配合新造之地 從內至外連繫起來
Construction Works of Tung Chung East Station
The works for the Tung Chung East section of the Tung Chung Line Extension mainly include the construction of the Tung Chung East Station# in the Tung Chung East reclamation area, the construction of a new approximately 1.2 km section of new track, and track diversion works to connect the new station to the existing Tung Chung line track. Part of the track works must be carried out on the operating Tung Chung Line.

Note: Upon the commissioning of the new track section near Tung Chung East Station, the original Tung Chung Line tracks will be removed accordingly.

- The works of Tung Chung East Station involve the diversion of the existing 1.2km of operating track between the existing Sunny Bay Station and Tung Chung Station, including the construction of new railway sections, track bifurcation for connecting the new railway section to the existing tracks, installation of overhead lines as well as modification of part of the equipment of the existing signaling system.
- The advance works including track slewing works have commenced during non- traffic hours since July 2022 to prepare for the upcoming track works and station construction works.
- The project team has been making use of the non-traffic hours to carry out the relevant works, while some critical works of different phases, given their complexity, must be conducted for longer hours. The team will extend some of the non-traffic hours as appropriate in different construction stages in the future to allow sufficient time for the track works.
# The station names are working titles only. All drawings and visuals are provided for concept illustration only, and the content is subject to change.
The following works are being carried out at the Tung Chung East Section:
- Construction of the substructure of Tung Chung East station and laying of underground pipes,
- Modification and extension works of the noise barrier,
- Major track diversion works, including:
– Track slewing works on the existing Tung Chung Line
– Installation of overhead line portals and other railway facilities
– Please visit this webpage for details of the works and the relevant train service arrangements.